Pretty in Pastels

By Connie Thwaite for Times Daily - Published: March 14. 2007


Elaine Augustine's pastels and oil paintings are powerful statements of her observations and emotions, the cumulative expression of her life's experience. To a great extent, it is her ability to candidly express herself that gives her art power.bilde

Augustine's work has earned her a place among elite company in regional, national and even international art circles. She has been designated a Master Pastelist with the Pastel Society of America and a signature member of the Degas and West Coast Pastel Societies. She also is a Member of Excellence in the Southeastern Pastel Society.

Augustine won an award for a large oil painting in 2003 at the annual Energen "Wonders of Alabama Art" exhibition in Birmingham. This was a painting that her daughter Leah had asked her to paint. The choice of colors was up to Elaine, Leah said. Unfortunately, the painting had a lot of blue, and there was no blue in Leah's condominium.


Journey Toward Abstraction

By Elaine Augustine, PSA for the Pastel Society of America's Pastelagram 2010

"Sundancer" (10x13 in.), pastel by Elaine Augustine

My artistic journey began as an eight-year-old child who had been given an oil paint-by numbers set. Never one to do the expected, I used those little tubes of paint to create my own work of art — on the back of the canvas!
