Elaine Augustine's pastels and oil paintings are powerful statements of her observations and emotions, the cumulative expression of her life's experience. To a great extent, it is her ability to candidly express herself that gives her art power.
Augustine's work has earned her a place among elite company in regional, national and even international art circles. She has been designated a Master Pastelist with the Pastel Society of America and a signature member of the Degas and West Coast Pastel Societies. She also is a Member of Excellence in the Southeastern Pastel Society.
Augustine won an award for a large oil painting in 2003 at the annual Energen "Wonders of Alabama Art" exhibition in Birmingham. This was a painting that her daughter Leah had asked her to paint. The choice of colors was up to Elaine, Leah said. Unfortunately, the painting had a lot of blue, and there was no blue in Leah's condominium.
My artistic journey began as an eight-year-old child who had been given an oil paint-by numbers set. Never one to do the expected, I used those little tubes of paint to create my own work of art — on the back of the canvas!